Moms for Liberty and Young America’s Foundation file motion for preliminary injunction asking federal court to temporarily halt enforcement of Biden’s Title IX changes

TOPEKA, KS (May 24, 2024): Today, Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) and Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLF) filed a motion for preliminary injunction in Kansas federal court on behalf of their clients Moms for Liberty and Young America’s Foundation, asking the court to temporarily halt enforcement of the Biden Administration’s new rule that would gut Title IX and endanger students’ rights to free speech. The motion is the latest move by the organizations in their lawsuit challenging the Department of Education’s Title IX overhaul.

The members of Moms for Liberty and Young America’s Foundation are parents and students in K-12 schools and colleges who fear sharing their true views—including the view that gender is not fluid, that there are only two genders based on biological sex, and that private spaces on campuses should be kept sex-segregated—in light of the Biden Administration’s redefinition of “sex” under Title IX. Under the Department of Education’s new rule, “sex” includes gender identity and sex stereotypes, so anyone who speaks out against gender identity or fails to recognize a classmate’s “preferred pronouns” can be punished for harassment. As SLF and MSLF explain in the briefing before the court, this will have devastating consequences for free speech.

Moms for Liberty and Young America’s Foundation are joined in their lawsuit by the states of Kansas, Wyoming, Utah, and Alaska, as well as other students and interest groups.

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