Fed Soc Blog: GFVGA v. DOL; Post-Loper Bright pushback on agency overreach

(Sept. 19, 2024): In this piece for the Federalist Society, SLF VP of Litigation Braden Boucek and SLF Attorney Jordan Miller walk the reader through how and why SLF has teamed up with agricultural clients like Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association to push back against agency overreach in the post-Loper Bright era.

As they explain:

The long period of labor peace to which Americans are so accustomed is the product of that rarest of phenomena: wise congressional compromise. But the balance struck by Congress in the mid-1930s has been threatened by the Department of Labor (DOL). Not content with Congress’s solutions, DOL has sought to dramatically rewrite labor law through a recent rule that would extend many labor protections far beyond the boundaries set by Congress. However, the attempt was swiftly halted by a federal judge in Georgia in Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA) v. DOL.

Read the full article at FedSoc.org.

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