(Dec. 14, 2022): As reported in Campus Reform, Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) scored a major victory for free speech at the University of Maine. In the article, Campus Reform writes that following SLF’s legal challenge, UMaine updated its Bias Response Team (BRT) website to clarify that the university cannot punish or investigate reports of so-called biased speech. As SLF explained in a demand letter to UMaine, bias reporting systems are unconstitutional because they lead students to fear being reported to campus authorities for saying something that could be considered offensive. SLF demanded that UMaine revise its website to make it clear that the university cannot and will not investigate or punish reports of offensive speech. The university made those changes and also provided a link to its free speech policy online to ensure that students understand the extent of their rights.
Read the full article at CampusReform.org.