Jacksonville, Florida: As SLF predicted last summer, universities continue to use COVID-19 reporting forms to deny students their freedom of expression. Now, the forms are also being used to deprive students of their due process rights by subjecting them to...
News Releases
In Response to SLF’s Letter, University of Oklahama Says Student Government Cannot Discriminate Against Conservatives
Oklahoma: In a big win for conservative students, the University of Oklahoma declared that its Student Government Association cannot unconstitutionally discriminate against members of Turning Point USA or other conservatives on campus. In response to SLF’s letter last...
Southeastern Legal Foundation Alerts the University of Oklahoma to Student Government’s Silencing of Conservative Students
Oklahoma: Today, Southeastern Legal Foundation sent a letter to the University of Oklahoma (OU Student Government Association (SGA) demanding that it do its job of protecting the First Amendment rights of all students on campus. SLF observes in the letter that members...
Nashville Property Owners Sue the City Over Law Holding Building Permits Hostage
Nashville, Tennessee: Today Southeastern Legal Foundation teamed up with Beacon Center of Tennesee and plaintiffs Jim Knight and Jason Mayes to file a federal lawsuit challenging Nashville's unconstitutional law that holds building permits hostage until private...
Southeastern Legal Foundation and TPPF File Federal Lawsuit Challenging CDC Eviction Moratorium
Southestern Legal Foundation (SLF) and the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) jointly filed a federal lawsuit in the Eastern District of Texas against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention order that violates the rights of property owners.
Southeastern Legal Foundation Requests East Carolina University Clarify Discriminatory Covid Policies
Greenville, North Carolina: Today SLF sent a follow up letter to ECU requesting more clarity about its COVID policies. "ECU went virtual for the remainder of the fall semester, but students are already planning ahead for the spring. A lack of communication about what...
Southeastern Legal Foundation Demands East Carolina University Stop Cancelling Conservative Students
Greenville, North Carolina: At East Carolina University (ECU), hundreds of student athletes, coaches, and members of the faculty and staff gathered on campus for a protest. The only problem: ECU has banned all gatherings over 50 people. So why are some students...
Thought Police? Cough Police? Southeastern Legal Foundation Warns University of Covid Reporting Form Abuse
Miami, Florida: As students return to their college campuses this month, Southeastern Legal Foundation continues to fight for their constitutional rights. Today, SLF sent a letter to the latest offending school - University of Miami - warning them that their dystopian...
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Bans FBI and DOJ Officials and Attorneys
Washington, DC: In a stunning ruling by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), chief judge James E. Boasberg has banned FBI and DOJ officials and attorneys involved in the Carter Page surveillance matter from appearing before or submitting information to...
Southeastern Legal Foundation and John Solomon File Second Motion with FISC for Disciplinary Action Records
Washington, DC: In light of new evidence made public by the US DOJ Inspector General Horowitz and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), Southeastern Legal Foundation and John Solomon today filed a supplemental Motion with the FISC to seek publication of...
Southeastern Legal Foundation Client Challenges Nashville’s Unconstitional Online Auction Licensing Scheme
Nashville, TN: The government frequently imposes licensing requirements. But all too frequently, those requirements are unconstitutional because they violate First Amendment and the Commerce Clause. Southeastern Legal Foundation has once again joined forces with...
Southeastern Legal Foundation Files Lawsuit on Behalf of John Solomon Seeking Communications Between State Department, Hunter Biden, and Burisma
Washington, DC: Southeastern Legal Foundation announced today that on behalf of its client, award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, it filed a federal lawsuit against the State Department for records of communications between the State Department...