Southeastern Legal Foundation and Texas Public Policy Foundation released a mini-documentary to highlight the critical struggles caused by a proposed Biden Administration rule which will severely limit the speed of boats up and down the Eastern Seaboard.
News Releases
Southeastern Legal Foundation issues statement on recent Eighth Circuit order granting rehearing en banc
SLF issues a statement regarding the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals’ recent order granting its petition to rehear Henderson v. Springfield Public Schools.
Southeastern Legal Foundation releases full video recording of Title IX educational webinar
Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) released a recording of their Title IX resource webinar aimed at training school leaders and parents on how to protect children from Biden’s Title IX federal gender ideology policies in public schools.
Southeastern Legal Foundation celebrates win on legal letter sent to Westfield State University
SLF celebrates a First Amendment win at Westfield State University after its legal demand letter prompted a policy change.
Southeastern Legal Foundation joins two other leading public interest law firms to bring Title IX resource guide and host national webinar to educators
Southeastern Legal Foundation joins the Defense of Freedom Institute and the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty to release a first-of-its kind resource guide aimed at giving both new and old school board members the resources they need to fight back against Biden’s new Title IX regulations.
In Memoriam – Bernie Marcus
Southeastern Legal Foundation remembers the life of philanthropist Bernie Marcus.
SLF files challenge to NOAA’s unconstitutional Vessel Speed Rule that forces boats to run slower than average golf carts
SLF fights to protect American’s right to enjoy the waters of the Atlantic and files a petition with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration asking it to repeal an unconstitutional 2008 federal NOAA regulation on boat speeds in the Atlantic
14 States File amicus brief in support of Southeastern Legal Foundation case against compelled speech by teachers during critical race theory trainings
14 states and four organizations file amicus briefs to support SLF’s clients lawsuit arguing against compelled speech in the context of Critical Race Theory and other “anti-racism” training in public schools that go against an individual’s personal beliefs.
Southeastern Legal Foundation urges Supreme Court to take up challenge to college bias response teams
Southeastern Legal Foundation and Young America’s Foundation file an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court supporting Speech First’s First Amendment challenge to bias response teams.
Viewpoint discrimination stopped at UNM: SLF announces Turning Point and Leadership Institute win injunction against UNM
SLF today announced a major win in the Leadership Institute v. University of New Mexico case against the university for viewpoint discrimination against students on campus with conservative views.
SLF continues major litigation to end practice of public schools separating by race for trainings
SLF renews major litigation to stop America’s public schools from separating students and teachers based on their skin color.
SLF issues statement on court of appeals ruling in mandatory anti-racist teacher training lawsuit
SLF ssues statement on court of appeals ruling in mandatory anti-racist teacher training lawsuit that reverses the district court’s decision to award the school district nearly $313,000 in attorney’s fees.