Just the News: Biden advisors used insecure pseudonymous email accounts to brief him on sensitive foreign policy

(Dec. 16, 2024): Just the News reports on the latest email records released by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) showing that then-Vice President Biden used a private email account to receive information about sensitive national security matters. According to the emails, then-advisor Antony Blinken provided briefings to Biden about foreign policy, including a failed North Korean missile launch, on a private account.

The revelation comes as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit SLF brought against NARA in August 2023. SLF requested records showing that Biden used private, pseudonymous email addresses to conduct official business as Vice President. When NARA indicated that it found over 5,400 responsive records but refused to produce any, SLF was forced to sue to obtain them.

Read the full article at JustTheNews.com.

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