Sheetz v. County of El Dorado
Southeastern Legal Foundation and Beacon Center of Tennessee call on the Supreme Court to prevent legislatures from passing laws that take property.

Foster v. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
SLF files amicus brief calling on the Supreme Court to protect farmers from government overreach and restore constitutional balance.

Loper Bright v. Raimondo
SLF urges Supreme Court to protect fishermen from unconstitutional government overreach.

Knight v. Nashville
Lawsuit filed by two Nashville property owners to stop Nashville, Tennessee from unconstitutionally holding building permits hostage unless property owners build sidewalks or pay significant in-lieu fees.

Sackett v. EPA
Southeastern Legal Foundation supports lawsuit seeking to rein in the EPA's decades-long overreach and assertion of power over private property.

Terkel v. CDC
As Americans reflect on the past year and how much power the federal government has taken for itself in the name ...

Southeastern Legal Foundation v. Army Corps of Engineers and EPA
You want to build a house, add a pool, build a necessary retaining wall, or even just fix a drainage problem in ...