SLF issues statement on court of appeals ruling in mandatory anti-racist teacher training lawsuit

ATLANTA, GA (Sept. 13, 2024): Southeastern Legal Foundation issues statement on Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Henderson v. Springfield Public Schools.

“We are currently reviewing the recent decision in the Henderson v. Springfield Public Schools case in Missouri today. We are pleased that the 8th Circuit federal panel reversed the district court’s decision to award the school district nearly $313,000 in attorney’s fees, reinforcing the ability of public employees to bring First Amendment lawsuits with respect to ever-expanding anti-racist, equity, and diversity trainings. SLF will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that Brooke Henderson, Jennifer Lumley, and all those who have been pressured, as a condition of their employment, to speak about so-called anti-racism are protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. We are also thankful for the overwhelming support shown by the 20 states and 16 organizations who filed amicus briefs supporting our brave clients.” said Kim Hermann, Executive Director, Southeastern Legal Foundation.

Background information in Henderson v. Springfield Public Schools:

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